Advancing Research Careers for Under-recognised AHPs across the South West - Session lead by Katie Williams. 12.00 to 13.00
A recent project aimed to explore who AHPs and AHP support workers, in the South West, felt were under-recognised and what the barriers and enablers were for those groups in research career progression. In phase one, 190 AHPs expressed an interest in the project and 66 AHPs and AHP support workers participated. Key themes were generated of what under-recognised meant, who was under-recognised and what the barriers and enablers were to those groups.
This is a fantastic opportunity to hear about the findings of phase one, the plans for phase two and how attendees could potentially contribute to the work.
This will be followed by a series of five-minute lightening talks to raise awareness of research career building opportunities and resources available to South West AHPs and AHP support workers.
This project focuses on AHPs and AHP support workers within the South West region however this event welcomes anyone to attend.
For further information on the project, please visit the CAHPR South West webpage
For registration, please click here.
Session outline:
- Phase one feedback
- Promote AHP research opportunities in the South West
- Introduction to phase two